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Friction and Adhesion of Ice

Author(s): Pekka Oksanen

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: Adhesion between ice and several materials has been measured. These materials were steel, concrete, wood, some types of plastics, and some types of coatings for marine purposes. The kinetic friction between ice and ice was also measured. The temperature range in the friction measurements was -1°C. .. -15°C and in the adhesion measurements about -2°C. .. -20°C. In this paper, the mechanism of kinetic friction has been considered by developing the theory based on a water film on the contact surface. According to the theoretical treatment presented, the coefficient of kinetic friction can be calculated, if the hardness of ice, and thermal properties of ice and the material concerned are known. In practice, however, also other phenomena than the water film mechanism may be involved.


Year: 1981

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