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Experimental Determination of Ice Impact Loads on Marine Vehicles

Author(s): Roderick Y. Edwards; James W. Wheaton

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: An experiment to determine the magnitude of ice impact loads experienced by the hull structure of the U. S Coast Guard Icebreaker MACKlNAW was conducted in Lakes Huron and Michigan during the winter of 1970-1971 under the sponsorship of the Office of Research and Development, U. S. Coast Guard (U. S. Department of Transportation). The impact load was estimated from the response of a strain-gauged portion of the bow structure. The results indicated that the loads were of very short duration. The peak value of the load correlated well with the product of ship speed and ice thickness. The dimensionless impact load correlated reasonably well with the product of Froude number and dimensionless flexural strength. The successful use of dimensionless groups to reduce the data suggests that the hull-ice impact phenomenon may be modeled on a small scale.


Year: 1972

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