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Bioavailability and Bio Accessibility of Heavy Metals in Surface and Sub-Surface Sediments in International Wetland of Zarivar, Iran

Author(s): Amir Hajnoroozi, Abdolreza Karbassi, Sadegh Partani, Fatemeh Torabi Kachoosangi

Linked Author(s): Sadegh Partani

Keywords: Heavy metals, bioavailability, bio accessibility, international wetland of Zarivar, sediment sample

Abstract: This paper has attempted to do an in-situ research based on new data generation due to structured field sampling and laboratory measurement in finding out the pollution and contamination risk of bioavailability and bio-accessibility of heavy metal in Zarivar wetland. This research aims to figure out the heavy metal contamination level and evaluate the risk of its pollution in human life cycle. Structures regular rout sampling plans was considered for two different locations of wetland. Surface and subsurface sediment samples were taken and transported to laboratory in standard method. Total concentration of 26 trace elements were measured within inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES) techniques. To determine the bioavailability and bio accessibility, Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and Glycine digestion were applied for the same samples to estimate the bioavailability and bio accessibility of trace elements. The results showed high levels of Lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni), Copper (Cu), Cadmium (Cd), Arsenic (As), and Silver (Ag) in raw sediment samples. Bioavailability tests were carried out on leached extracted samples and declared the dramatic amount of Aluminium (Al), Ag and Zinc (Zn) in sediments. There were significant difference in concentration of elements in surface and sub-surface samples. Pore water laboratory analysis on the same heavy metals revealed 70% of bioavailability analysis but current root tissues of floating plants samples were drastically different from them. Therefore, the suggestion of water cycle and reservoir hydraulic flow could be assigned for this phenomenon. However, little pollution and low level of trace metal contamination were obtained during the research while there is no river which is terminated in the wetland. It seems that the agricultural activities might be the main source of pollution. Pollution indices and original pollution analysis declared that the pollution might goes toward the anthropogenic variety more than the natural one which may cause by agricultural activities


Year: 2017

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