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Effect of Design Criteria for the Performance on Constructed Wetlands

Author(s): Nur Asmaliza Mohd Noor, Lariyah Mohd Sidek, Simon Beecham, Aminuddin Ab. Ghani

Linked Author(s): Nur Asmaliza Mohd Noor

Keywords: Best Management Practices (BMPs), constructed wetlands, design criteria, water quality, pollutant removal.

Abstract: The progressive development in urban area has drastically changed land use and deteriorated the quality of source water. The contribution towards higher intensity of rainfall will also increase the problem and affects the quality of water, social and financial situations of the country. The installation of BMPs has been the alternative approach in reducing the effects from rapid urban development. Constructed wetland has been selected under BMPs with the target to enhance the quality of water. It is widely used in developed countries with tropical climate for improving the quality of stormwater. However, constructed wetland is being considered as a new innovation, which is not implemented throughout Malaysia. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the effect of design criteria on the performance of constructed wetland. Three locations of constructed wetland in Malaysia were selected, which are situated at Putrajaya, Universiti Sains Malaysia Engineering Campus and Humid Tropic Center. The selection of design criteria are based on the length to width ratio, detention time and average water depth. The results indicated that the Biochemical Oxygen Demand, Chemical Oxygen Demand and Total Phosphorus removal were affected with pollutant removal of 48%, 37% and 64%, respectively. However, Total Nitrogen and Total Suspended Solids analysis showed percentage of removal to be around 74% and 71%, respectively. The findings can be significantly used to enhance knowledge in constructing wetland under tropical climate where it can serve effectively for managing urban runoff using control at source approach


Year: 2017

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