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Dealing with Spatial Variability When Modelling Rainfall-Runoff Processes

Author(s): Sergio Zubelzu; Raύl Sanchez

Linked Author(s): Raúl Sánchez Calvo, Sergio Zubelzu

Keywords: Hydrology; Spatial variability; Soil physical properties; Rainfall-runoff

Abstract: Hydrological systems are complex, involving a number of highly variable and interlinked distant processes. Hydrological modelling of rainfall-runoff processes must deal with extreme spatial variability. Delivering theories for effective incorporation of spatial variability will provide hydrologists with more accurate tools for predicting the evolution of hydrological processes. In this work we present the results of analysing spatial variability of rainfall-runoff processes paying particular attention to storm distribution and soil physical properties and their synergistic effect on runoff generation. With this ambition, we focus on a set of small catchments located in Madrid where both laboratory and field experiments have been conducted to estimate soil physical properties (textures, saturated and residual soil moisture and saturated hydraulicconductivity). On the achieved results we outline some remarkable ideas for dealing for spatial variability when modelling rainfall-runoff processes at catchment scale.


Year: 2023

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