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Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Air-Water-Sand Jets in Crossflow

Author(s): Huan Zhang; Wenming Zhang

Linked Author(s): Wenming Zhang

Keywords: Three-phase jets; Bubbles; Sand transport; Image processing; Velocity distribution

Abstract: Air-water-sand three-phase jets in crossflow are commonly encountered in various practical applications such as subsea oil and gas blowouts. Experimental studies were conducted to investigate the bubble and sand characteristics of three-phase jets in crossflow using the non-intrusive method. An area light source was employed to illuminate the flow in different planes, and a high-speed camera was used to visualize the bubbles and sand. The gas void fraction and sand concentration were analyzed using an image processing technique, and the velocities of bubbles and sand were obtained by particle image/tracking velocimetry methods. The results show that the centerline gas void fraction and bubble velocity decrease with increasing distance from the nozzle. The effects of sand particles on bubble behaviors decrease as the jet transports higher. The vertical distribution of sand concentration reveals that its peak value occurs at a certain height, while the sand velocity decreases as the sand transports higher. Due to the spreading in the transverse direction, the sand concentrations are lower at a further horizontal distance from the nozzle. However, an opposite trend was observed for the sand velocities.


Year: 2023

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