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Distribution of Turbulent Schmidt Number in Inclined Negatively Buoyant Jets

Author(s): Sina Tahmooresi; Abdolmajid Mohammadian; Ioan Nistor; Hossein Kheirkhah Gildeh; Danial Goodarzi

Linked Author(s): Ioan Nistor, Hossein Kheirkhah Gildeh

Keywords: Inclined negatively buoyant jets; Turbulent Schmidt number; Boussinesq approximation; Scalar flux modeling

Abstract: Inclined negatively buoyant jets (INBJ) have been extensively studied experimentally and numerically in recent years due to their vital application in achieving a faster and more efficient mixing for dense effluent discharges into coastal water bodies. INBJs are especially crucial for reverse osmosis desalination plants where they reduce the hazardous effects of the saline water being released into aquatic habitat via their efficient configuration. This paper extends the use of scalar flux modeling (SFM) to further investigate the variation of turbulent Schmidt number, in INBJs. Turbulent Schmidt number and its variation in a turbulent jet flow have been a source of controversial outcomes in experimental measurements and numerical modeling of jets. Going beyond the Boussinesq approximation with SFM in conjunction with Reynolds stress modeling resulted in a good agreement of the bulk parameters of the flow with the available experimental data. Having the bulk parameters verified, predicting the distribution of turbulent Schmidt number along and across the jet was conducted for the first time in INBJs. Since was not included in the solution using a transport equation for solving the turbulent Reynolds flux vector, it can be extracted from the scalar flux calculated independently from that parameter. Results showed that the variation of Sct is in accordance with the available data where mixing reduces from the centreline towards the edges of the flow as well as from the jet-like region to the plumelike region.


Year: 2023

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