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Leveraging Virtual Reality Technology at the Water Public Education Centre in Hong Kong

Author(s): Tsz Yan Kong

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Keywords: WSD; H2OPE centre; Water conservation; Virtual reality; CAVE

Abstract: Water Supplies Department (WSD) has set up a new Water Resources Education Centre, named “H2OPE Centre”, to provide more information on water resources and conservation to the general public so as to foster a culture of cherishing water in our society. The Centre features over 50 exhibits relevant to daily lives in 12 exhibition zones. It has received over 70 000 visitors in three years' time despite the impact of COVID-19 epidemic. To further enhance visitors' experience, the WSD leveraged the Virtual Reality (VR) technology and developed an immersive Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE) system in the H2OPE Centre. VR applications in different aspects have been developed to provide diversified immersive experiences to the visitors, enhancing their engagement and learning experiences and increasing the effectiveness of water education. In this paper, an overview of the H2OPE Centre, VR enhancement work and VR applications development by various technologies will be discussed.


Year: 2023

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