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Obtaining Reduction Factors by Area for the State of Sonora in Northern Mexico

Author(s): Sinuhé Alejandro Sanchez Martínez, Ramón Domínguez Mora, Maritza Liliana Arganiz Juárez

Linked Author(s): Sinuhe Sanchez

Keywords: Reduction factor by area, extreme winter events, climatological stations, probability distributions, return periods.

Abstract: The lack of reliable meteorological data is a frequent issue for further engineering projects in Mexico. Due to this, it is necessary to optimize the available measured historic data within a Hydrologic Region in order to guarantee a reliable database. This requires using extrapolations of the phenomenon to characterize them. One of the most usual methods to get a design rainfall within large areas is the calculation of the Areal Reduction Factors (ARFs) in bounded zones; those factors consider the ratio of the simultaneous annual maximum rainfalls, and the annual maximum ones for punctual measurements of precipitation. In this paper, the Areal Reduction Factors for the state of Sonora in northern Mexico were obtained. The main reason for choosing this state, as well as in both north and south Baja California, is because there are extreme winter events, that is, rainfall events during the months of December, January and / or February, which differs from other regions of the country in which the highest rainfall events occur from June to October. Thus, the previously obtained factors in Sonora will be representative of the northwestern region of Mexico. The used method in this paper for the determination of the Areal Reduction Factors is an empirical method that relates annual maximum rainfalls with the simultaneous annual maximum rainfalls occurred within climatological stations with no less than 15 years data commonly to each other. Finally, an adjustment to a probability distribution was carried out to get the factors for different return periods


Year: 2017

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