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Design and Construction of a Cross-Flow Turbine Rotor Fabricated with Recycled Polymers

Author(s): David Aray; Estefania Tineo

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Keywords: Cross-flow turbines; Turbine rotor; Plastic recycling; 3D printing; Additive manufacturing

Abstract: The main goal of this project was to design and construct a cross-flow turbine rotor model using recycled thermoplastic polymers, with the purpose of reducing the waste of this kind of materials and generating hydroelectricity through them. The proposed model was designed to operate with a flow of 0,02 m3/s and a head of 25.19 m. Two scaled rotor prototypes from the model were fabricated through the fused-deposition modeling process using recycled PETG and PLA filaments. Measurements were done to the dimensions of both rotors to evaluate the additive manufacturing process and to compare those values with the ones obtained theoretically through calculations, proving the viability of properly fabricating this kind of mechanical components through rapid prototyping methods and completing a first step in the research of turbines fabricated with recycled materials.


Year: 2023

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