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Black Carbon Impact on Snow Albedo and Snowmelt by Coupling Radiative Transfer Model and Hydrological Modeling

Author(s): Diego Pacheco; Dayanne Perersen; Lina Castro

Linked Author(s): Lina Castro

Keywords: Energy Balance; OptiPar; Light absorbing particles; Snow model

Abstract: Light absorbing particles (LAPs) deposition onto snow surface increases the shortwave radiation absorption and accelerates melting. In this study, Utha Energy Balance (UEB) snow model and OptiPar radiative transfer model have been coupled through an empirical approach to simulate the accumulation and depletion of snowpack and quantify the effect of LAPs deposition on snow albedo and melting on a time basis scale (2015-2019) in the Juncal River Basin, Chile. Here, snowpack was simulated using a one-layer scheme to reproduce snow metamorphism, while energy balance is focused on the snow surface. To account for LAPs, dry deposition rates onto snow were used as tuning parameters and constant for the period analyzed. LAPs mass accumulates in the upper layers, while also considering a fraction of BC agglomerates can scavenge based on melting magnitude. Albedo simulations were validated based on field measurements at 2800 m. a. s. l in the same catchment. Results here support that BC and dust emissions can alter the energy budget of the snowpack, reducing the maximum accumulation and inducing an early melt-out of the seasonal snowpack of less than a week early, comparing to a free LAP's scenario, depending on the year simulated, mostly attributable to BC deposition onto snow surface.


Year: 2024

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