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Green Infrastructures Performance Towards Stormwater Management Under Climate Change

Author(s): Qian Yu; Wenjing Lu; Jing Wang; Na Li

Linked Author(s): Qian Yu, Jing Wang

Keywords: Green infrastructure; Mann-Kendall test; Rainfall characteristics; Stormwater management

Abstract: Modeling the effects of GIs on controlling stormwater runoff under different rainfall characteristics plays an important role in planning and designing Green Infrastructure (GI) to adapt to climate change. The Jinan Daminghu Sponge City Construction pilot area is selected as the study area in this paper. Based on the daily precipitation data of Jinan National Meteorological Station from 1951 to 2021, both the Mann-Kendall test and Sen’s slope estimator are adopted to analyze the temporal variations of precipitations and extremes. On this basis, the Flood Risk Analysis Software (FRAS) is used to analyze the GIs’ performance towards controlling rainfall runoff. The results indicate that the annual mean precipitation shows an insignificant growth trend. The interannual precipitations vary significantly. In addition, the extreme precipitation is projected to increase. Therefore, we set six rainfall scenarios to analyze the control effects of GIs on rainfall runoffs under different rainfall characteristics. The results show that the reduction ratios of inundation areas under 5-year, 10-year, and 20-year are 11.02%, 9.32%, and 8.02%, respectively. The reduction rates under different rainfall intensities are 20.14%, 14.37%, and 10.58%, respectively. GIs have good control effects on the inundation areas under rainfalls with small return periods and rainfall intensities.


Year: 2024

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