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Quantifying the Influence of Atmospheric Factors on Rainstorm Extremes Using Era5: Implications for Flood Early Warning in Henan; China

Author(s): Yu Lang; Ze Jiang; Xia Wu

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Keywords: Extreme rainstorms; Dominant factor; ERA5; Cumulative distribution function

Abstract: This study investigates heavy rainstorm-induced floods to enhance flood forecasting and mitigation strategies. We address challenges in identifying dominant meteorological factors influencing extreme rainfall events due to limited atmospheric observations. Leveraging high-resolution ERA5 reanalysis data, we examine the relationship between extreme rainstorms and synoptic features. We propose a cumulative distribution function based metric to assess six potential meteorological drivers. Our analysis highlights in Henan, China, vertical wind velocity (Wind) and precipitable water (PW) as dominant factors in summer events, while CAPE and Wind play significant roles in winter. These findings offer insights for regional flood management amid extreme rainfall events.


Year: 2024

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