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An Integrated Modelling Strategy of Digital Twin Watersheds; Application of Digital Watershed Platform of Dawen River Basin

Author(s): Siyuan Chang; Changjun Liu; Qiang Ma; Aiqing Kang; Xixi Cui

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Keywords: Modelling strategy; Digital twin watershed; Modelling platform; Flood management; Dawen River Basin

Abstract: The progress of hydroinformatics technologies creates both new challenges and opportunities for the flood management. How to integrate different kinds of hydro-models into a unified platform and make all modules to run properly and efficiently has become one of hot topics widely discussed in the many hydroinformatics committees. Taking the example of Dawen River Basin, an advanced modelling platform consisted with three kinds of hydro-models including distributed hydrological model, 1D and 2D coupling hydraulic model and reservoir operation model has been set up for supporting the decision-making process of flood management. The Dawen River Basin (8944km2) has been characterized as one of the most complex catchment in Shandong province, China. With the Optimized computation process among three kinds of models in the catchment, the parallel computing technologies has been applied in the modelling platform of Dawen River Digital Twin System. With 42 distributed hydrological models covered full catchment area, 1D and 2D hydraulic models with 1616 cross sections and 69315 computation girds, and operation models of 23 reservoirs, all modelling accuracy and efficiency has been validated during "Dussuri" typhoon flood disaster period. The hourly simulation for 3 day was completed in less than 5 minutes. Moreover, the averaged flood peak difference is 10% with peak time difference less than 3h. The modelling strategy indicated in this study shows high applicability to be promoted to other medium and large catchments with strong human impacts for improving the flood defense and operate abilities.


Year: 2024

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