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Joint Intelligent Scheduling of Flood Control in Small and Medium Rivers Based on Hydroinformatic Model

Author(s): Gu Zhenghua; Zhang Jiayi; Yan Haowei; Sheng Jiaoying; He Baojie; Zhou Tong

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Keywords: Decision model; Flood control; Hydroinformatic model; Simulation model; Small and medium rivers

Abstract: In order to reduce the flood damage from small and medium rivers, Joint Intelligent Scheduling Mode for Flood Control of Small and Medium Rivers Based on Hydroinformatic Model (JISMFCSMR-HiM) is presented, which is composed of flood control scheduling decision model, flood control scheduling simulation model, operational forecasting model, scheduling scheme intervention module and scheduling plan base, etc. The index system of joint intelligent flood control for small and medium rivers based on Pressure-State-Response (PSR) model and the simulation model of flood control for small and medium rivers based on SWMM are established. Taking Tunxi River Basin in Anhui Province of China as an example, a demonstration system for joint intelligent scheduling of flood control in small and medium rivers is developed. The application results show that JISMFCSMR-HiM provides an effective way to realize joint intelligent scheduling decision of flood control in small and medium rivers, and significantly improves the reliability, resilience, intelligence and real-time of scheduling.


Year: 2024

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