Author(s): Jiaye Li; Tiejian Li; Xuhong Fang; Chen Chen; Zhihui Du
Linked Author(s): Guangqian Wang, Chen Chen
Keywords: Drainage networks; River entity; Unified coding system; Digital twins; QR codes
Abstract: Aiming at resolving and delineating the composition of river basins, this paper chooses the philosophy of using drainage networks to represent intricate river basins, and proposes a unified coding system to identify each river reach in drainage networks over the whole globe, which would be a key technique in building an objected-oriented digital twin of river basins. The proposed river entity coding system (RECS) is based on the IDCode coding system following international standards. Each RECS code consists of a head starting with MA. 1002, and the standard and extended domains. An open platform was developed to display the global drainage networks and demonstrate the use of RECS, where each river reach, as well as related information, can be queried and then shared through RECS QR codes. We believe that RECS is an efficient approach in building object-oriented digital twins of river basins, which will be further used in a variety of information systems in the water conservancy industry.
Year: 2024