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Validation of Trmm 3B43 Monthly Precipitation Product With Rain Gauges Data in Gansu, China During 2000-2013

Author(s): Cheng Chen, Qiu Wen Chen, Jin Zhang, Yu Qing Lin, Shu He Zhao, Zheng Duan, Xiao Qi

Linked Author(s): Chen Cheng

Keywords: TRMM 3B43, validation, precipitation, spatial heterogeneity, rain gauge

Abstract: Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation data with a relatively high spatial resolution and a relatively large scope of space had been widely used to improve forecasting of extreme events in recent years. The present study is to analyze and validate the error structures of TRMM 3B43 monthly precipitation products using rain gauge measurements over Gansu province of China during the year of 2000-2013. The TRMM data at monthly, seasonal and annual scales were validated, and the errors at each rain gauge station were analyzed. The validation results show that the TRMM precipitation data are highly correlated with the rain gauges data, and the correlation degree becomes higher with the accumulation of time. In addition, the TRMM precipitation significantly overestimates the actual precipitation, and the errors at each rain gauges station are highly correlated with annual precipitation (R2=0. 81). It is demonstrated that the satellite-based TRMM 3B43 precipitation data which could capture the spatial heterogeneity of rainfall is effective for hydrological applications in the study area


Year: 2017

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