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Performance Testing of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Used for Stream Flow Measurement

Author(s): R. B. Deogade; H. R. Khandagale; M. Someshwara

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Keywords: Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler; Current Meter Rating Trolley; Doppler Effect; Water Velocity

Abstract: As water demand is steadily increasing worldwide, it is very important to measure the discharge accurately for sustainable water resources management such as flood control, water distribution, hydraulic structures design, and hydro-environment management. Since decades the cup and propeller type current meters are used for the measurement of stream velocity, but due to emergent technology, Electromagnetic, Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), etc. are used for measuring the stream flows. These instruments have higher edge in accuracy, consistency, and reliability. Quantitative information on performance and validation in the field of discharge measurement is rare. Hence performance testing of such instrument is essential prior to conducting measurements in fields. The objective of the study is to ascertain the accuracy in velocity measurement of these instruments with the standards. The ADCP transmits a constant high frequency sound wave into the water that ricochets off particles suspended in the moving water and reflect back to the instrument with a slightly lowered frequency due to the Doppler Effect. The performance testing of these sophisticated instruments is done in the straight open channel by Current Meter Rating Trolley. The ADCP deployed on the trolley will be towed at a predefined speed of the Rating Trolley and the corresponding velocity indicated by the sensor will establish the relation. This indicates the performance of the ADCP and its appropriate working in terms of accuracy.


Year: 2022

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