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Research on Sediment Laden Flow Characteristics in Water Conveyance System

Author(s): Dunzhe Qi; Huili Bi; Haiyan Zeng; Yubin Shen; Zhengwei Wang

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In the long-distance water conveyance channels or pipelines of sediment laden flow, due to the change of the flow discharge, there may be different levels of siltation condition, and regular dredging work needs to be carried out. If the water conveyance channels are an open system, it is easier to dredge, but if it is a pressurized pipeline system, dredging is more difficult. Some water delivery irrigation projects of sediment laden flow could not be promoted due to the unresolved problem of siltation. This paper takes a long-distance gravity flow pipeline system as the research object. The distribution branch pipe on the main pipeline is connected to the downstream reservoir for field irrigation. According to the pipe data, the one-dimensional full pipeline numerical model and the three-dimensional pipe calculation model were established respectively. The flow velocity calculation of main pipeline under the condition of simultaneous irrigation of different numbers of distribution branch pipes, and the distribution of different velocities in the pipe was obtained. At the same time, the three-dimensional unsteady flow analysis was carried out to analyse the flow characteristics and siltation patterns in the main pipeline under different flow discharge. It is helpful to predict the silt phenomenon that may exist in the water pipeline in advance by calculation, and give technical suggestions for the pipeline design.


Year: 2022

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