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Research of Water Consumption Rate Measurement Based on Thermodynamic Method

Author(s): Ye Zhou; Lian Duan; Dengfeng Cao; Ligang Li

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Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: As an important index which can be used to evaluate the economic operation result for hydropower station, the water consumption rate of hydropower unit can be acquired with hill chart curve of hydraulic turbine, the relationship curve between flow discharge of hydropower station and water level of reservoir. However, considering that the hill chart curve of turbine is calculated and converted by the model test, there are certain errors when used on the prototype machine, which also brings limitations to the applicability. According to the definition of water consumption rate, it can be determined by the unit's net head and efficiency. The static water head of the unit can be obtained by measuring pressure for spiral case inlet and draft tube outlet. Therefore, the key issue for the measurement of unit water consumption rate is the measurement of turbine flow discharge. Therefore, according to the operating characteristics of high-head turbines, this article adopts thermodynamics to measure the flow discharge of turbine, studies the installation and implementation of high- and low-pressure section test instruments with the site condition of a hydropower project, and analyses of the water consumption rate of units under different conditions such as the multiple-unit's operation, various water heads, etc. The analysis results show the relationship and trend for the water consumption rate and unit operation condition, which can provide references for the optimal dispatch operation of multi-units' hydropower stations, achieving the purpose of reducing the water consumption rate of power generation and improving the efficiency of power generation.


Year: 2022

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