Author(s): I. Kassanos; V. Alexopoulos; J. Anagnostopoulos
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Keywords: No Keywords
Abstract: The increased interest for further exploitation of hydropower and pumped hydro storage sites of lower head and capacity, and the tightening on the other hand of the environmental terms and restrictions, would require the design of corresponding hydro turbines and reversible machines with improved environmental performance. This work presents a numerical methodology to optimize the design of a Deriaz turbine in order to achieve high energy efficiency and improved fish friendly behaviour in both pump and turbine operation modes. Various numerical simulation and optimization software and tools are used, while the geometry of the machine is fully parameterized to allow for wide design modifications and corresponding numerical tests. At first, the most important design parameters and their variation range limits are identified by a sensitivity study. Next, several multi-objective optimization procedures are carried out, using general quantitative targets for a comparative evaluation of the various machine runner designs. The results show a complex interdependence or competitiveness of the machine efficiency and the various fish impact performance indices that requires careful analysis. The developed and applied methodology can produce one or more candidate designs that satisfactorily meet all the desired objectives.
Year: 2022