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Characterization of the Fluid Damping in Simplified Models of Pump-Turbines and High Head Francis Runners

Author(s): G. Moraga; C. Valero; D. Valentin; M. Egusquiza; X. Xia; L. Zhou; A. Presas

Linked Author(s): Ling Zhou

Keywords: No Keywords

Abstract: In order to satisfy the power demand in the electrical grid, hydraulic turbine units frequently work under off-design operation conditions and pass through transient events. These operation conditions can lead to high vibration amplitudes in the turbine runners, decreasing their useful life, and in some cases to premature failures. To determine and to understand the behaviour of the fluid damping is a relevant topic, because this parameter limits the maximum amplitude in resonance conditions. The runner of some types of turbines, such as reversible pump-turbine and high head Francis turbine, can be modelled as a disk-like structure, due to their similar mode shapes. Because of this, in this work, the fluid damping of a vibrating disk was studied. The disk was submerged in water and was put in a resonant state at different vibration amplitudes. Moreover, this structure was excited at different distances to a rigid surface, in order to analyse the effects of the distance between the runner and the casing. The main effects on the fluid damping were determined and characterized, showing a dependency of the fluid damping ratio on the different parameters.


Year: 2022

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