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Assessment of Ocean Surface Dynamics in and Around Galveston Bay Using Unmanned Aerial Systems

Author(s): Vivek Bheeroo; Soo Bum Bae; Mu Jung Lee; Kuang-An Chang; Scott A. Socolofsky

Linked Author(s): Scott A. Socolofsky

Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Systems; Ocean surface currents; Galveston Bay

Abstract: Ocean surface transport is dictated by several processes, including wind forcing and wave dynamics. The wave dynamics can be further decomposed into several effects, such as Stokes drift and water waves that are Doppler-shifted by underlying currents. Ocean current patterns, specifically within the upper layer of the ocean, play a significant role in influencing the transport and fate of floating litter. This includes the spread of plastic debris as well as surface-associated toxic substances such as oil slicks from oil spills. Therefore, a mechanistic understanding of surface ocean dynamics is warranted. Herein, we apply remote sensing techniques from unmanned aerial system (UAS) platforms to shed new insight into ocean surface current circulation in Galveston Bay, an area that experiences heavy tanker traffic and is at risk for oil spills.


Year: 2024

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