Author(s): Il Won Seo; Siyoon Kwon
Linked Author(s): Il Won Seo, Siyoon Kwon
Keywords: Riverine reservoir; Hydropeaking; Thermal mixing; Secondary current; EFDC
Abstract: Understanding thermal patterns in lake ecosystems is crucial for effective use of water resources and aquatic habitat management. In riverine reservoirs, variations in temperature from upstream dam discharges create density currents, influencing vertical thermal mixing. Upstream dam operation affects downstream temperatures based on discharge types. The growing number of hydropower dams exacerbates downstream hydrodynamic and thermal changes. Hydropeaking, characterized by pulsed water releases for power generation, alters water depth, velocity, and temperature of the downstream river and lake. Therefore, this study analyzed the thermal dynamics of Paldang Lake (PL), a typical riverine lake in South Korea. We employed 3dimensional (3D) CFD model to investigate hydrodynamic and thermal patterns, with a specific focus on the impact of upstream dam hydropeaking.
Year: 2024