Author(s): Kazumasa Matsumoto; Taka-Aki Okamoto; Michio Sanjou; Timothy I. Marjoribanks
Linked Author(s): Michio Sanjou
Keywords: Vortex structure; Sediment deposition; Flexural rigidity; Vegetation-patch flow; PIV
Abstract: Riverine vegetation has a significant impact on flow field and sediment transport. Specifically, the deposition of fine sediment is enhanced within and behind small vegetation patches, leading to the formation of complex fluvial landforms and changes in vegetation patches distribution in a river channel. Due to the diversity of vegetation species in natural rivers, including trees and grasses, it is important to understand how the vegetation flexibility affects mass and momentum transport (Ortiz et al., 2013). In this study, PIV measurements and deposition experiments are conducted for vegetation-patch flows with different flexural rigidity to investigate the effects of vegetation flexibility on turbulence structure and fine sediment deposition.
Year: 2024