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The Near-Bed Hydrodynamics in Aquatic Vegetation Canopies and Implications for Sediment Transport

Author(s): Mario Conde-Frias; Marco Ghisalberti; Ryan Lowe; Maryam Abdolahpour; Vahid Etminan

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Keywords: Quatic vegetation; Bed shear stress; Bottom boundary layer; Bedload transport

Abstract: Aquatic vegetation canopies play a significant role in altering hydrodynamic and sediment transport processes in rivers, estuaries, and coastal environments. These vegetation canopies have a controlling influence on physical processes, impacting ecosystem services such as water quality improvement, coastal protection, and biodiversity enhancement. Yet, despite their importance, our comprehension of the intricate interplay between vegetation, flow dynamics, and sediment transport remains incomplete, leaving significant knowledge gaps in this domain. To bridge this gap, this study employs advanced numerical simulations and high-resolution measurements to investigate the near-bed flow hydrodynamics in aquatic vegetation canopies under different flow conditions and canopy properties. Furthermore, it investigates the suitability of bed shear stress in predicting bedload transport in vegetated flows.


Year: 2024

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