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Hydraulic Modelling Challenges of River-Basin Restoration Channels in Some Estonian Rivers

Author(s): Janek Laanearu

Linked Author(s): Janek Laanearu

Keywords: River basin; Overflow; Dam removal; Hydraulics; CFD

Abstract: Estonian catchment area is located on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea and includes abandoned infrastructure in the river basins, such as the low-head dams used extensively in the past century for the water-level regulation and hydro-power generation. The lowland topography and natural features in the Baltic region have limited to the building of major dams within its Eastern border. Many dams in Estonia are mostly used for recreational purposes, and they are now largely decayed or lost their original functionality. The manmade structures in the river basins are changing the hydrographs of natural streams and therefore may considerably affect the surrounding environment and its ecosystem biota. These abandoned structures in estuarine rivers, can adversely affect coastal areas and aquatic life, e. g., due to the fish migration. Many Estonian rivers end their streams at the Baltic Sea and thus affect the coastal processes (Laanearu et al, 2007; Laanearu et al, 2011) and are crucial in transport, energy and agricultural use. The study focuses on the environmental hydraulics aspects and current-stage performance of some dams in Estonian rivers: the rivers Parnu and Pirita. At present. there are over 1000 dams.


Year: 2024

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