Author(s): Dejana Đorđevic; Dubravka Pokrajac
Linked Author(s): Dejana Djordjevic
Keywords: DIDANS equations; Adopted Roe’s approach; Spatially dependent fluxes; Model testing
Abstract: Aquatic and riparian vegetation affect turbulent characteristics of the flow and make the flow field spatially inhomogeneous. Thus, the double-averaging methodology (DAM) offers a good background for the analyses of vegetated open-channel flows. Following basic DAM principles, depth-integrated double-averaged Navier-Stokes (DIDANS) equations are derived, and solved numerically using the Roe’s finite-volume based approach. This paper shows the results of testing the numerical solution of DIDANS equations. Homogeneous steady flow equations are tested against the analytical solution, and heterogeneous against a different numerical solution with a much finer grid.
Year: 2024