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Flow Structure Around Flexible Submerged Vegetation Patches

Author(s): Tim Marjoribanks; Richard Hardy; Dimitri Lague

Linked Author(s): Tim Marjoribanks

Keywords: Flow-vegetation interaction; Flexural rigidity; Secondary circulation; Wake flow

Abstract: Vegetation patches are a common feature in riverine and coastal environments and play an important role in determining flow and sediment dynamics, through the formation of wakes behind individual patches. For rigid, emergent vegetation patches, the factors that affect the horizontal wake and turbulence structure are relatively well understood. However, for submerged flexible vegetation patches where both vertical and horizontal shear layers exist and interact, the processes are more complex and wake length and sediment deposition can be affected by flexural rigidity (Marjoribanks et al., 2019). The aim of this work is to investigate how the flow structure around vegetation patches varies with plant posture and Reynolds number and thus what the processes are that result in different wake characteristics for different flexural rigidities.


Year: 2024

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