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Numerical Study of the Hydraulic Behavior in a Tunnel

Author(s): Cecia Millan Barrera, Gilberto Salgado Maldonado, Víctor Arroyo Correa

Linked Author(s): Cecia Millán-Barrera

Keywords: numerical forecasting, free surface, hydraulic design, numerical data, experimental data

Abstract: This work deals with the hydraulic performance of a long tunnel called "Tecorito", which is part of an irrigation main channel known as Canal Principal Humaya. It is located in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico and has a circular section of 6. 5 m in diameter and a length of around 1200 m. Due to the irrigation needs in agricultural areas, it is required that the system channel-tunnel leads 120 m3/s, however, its functioning becomes problematic when it is driving higher water volumes to 90 m3/s. One of the difficulties to drive this flow rate is the water level that remains downstream, provoked by the operation of some hydraulic structures located forward of the tunnel. The current geometry of the system has some asymmetries, both, the entrance and exit of the tunnel are sloping, the first one has an abrupt contraction of section and the exit has an abrupt expansion with an adverse slope in the bottom. The data given for this study in conjunction with data obtained in a physical model, will form the basis to find the answers to issues such as: improve the geometry of the entrance and the exit, the flow depth in the channel under which flows at 120 m3/s, taking into account that at downstream, there is a water strut that obstruct the free flowing in the canal. Two designs of entry and exit were proposed, based on the trajectories of the streamlines obtained running the original case. A significant improvement in the hydraulic behavior of the system is observed after running these geometries. Regarding the capabilities of CFD software to predict the hydraulic depths downstream, was good considering that the measurement site had not the hydraulic conditions to carry out an appropriated measurement, however, such place is one of the point of interest to know the hydraulic performance of the hydraulic structure in study


Year: 2017

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