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Comparative and Complementary Discharge Measurements Using Adcp and Radar-Technology

Author(s): Fabian Netzel, Christoph Mudersbach, Marc Scheibel

Linked Author(s): Fabian Netzel

Keywords: Open channel discharge, radar, ADCP, optimization

Abstract: Open channel discharge can be determined by using different types of measurement equipment. Common systems are the current meter and ultrasonic systems. In some fields, even acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and Radar-technology are becoming more popular. Especially for the non-contact Radar systems and ultrasonic systems located at the banks on both sides of the river, it is necessary to know the exact value and shape of the discharge section area and the velocity profile of the measurement site for determining the discharge. In a joint research project with the Wupperwaterboard (Wupperverband) and the Bochum University of Applied Sciences, the mentioned measurement systems have been comparatively and complementarily applied. By the use of different analyzing and fitting processes, corrected k-Values for the computation of the mean velocities out of the measured surface velocities have been derived and the cross-section for the conducted measurement has been revised. Hence, the deviation between the Radar-measurement and the comparative systems has been minimized and an optimization of a discharge measurement by combining different types of measurement systems has been achieved


Year: 2017

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