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A Method to Assess Green Infrastructre Costs and Benefits for Urban Heat Island Reduction

Author(s): Kyeon J. Woo, Sang R. Kim, Jin Y. Shin, Jae S. Park, Woo B. Bae, Yun M. Park, Yong G. Kim

Linked Author(s): Kyeonjae Woo

Keywords: Urban Heat Island, Green Infrastructure, Climatic Chamber, Hydrological Cycle Management, Costs and Benefits

Abstract: This study presents a method to quantitatively assess a performance of green infrastructure for urban heat island reduction based on �A Guide to Assessing Green Infra-structure Cost and Benefits for Flood Reduction, � which is published by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the US. The study proposes a method to assess GI performance by utilizing a climate chamber which can generate artificial climate conditions such as rainfall, solar radiation, temperature, and relative humidity. The experiments to evaluate drought resistance of GI at solar radiation strength (800W/m2, 1200W/m2), freezing resistance of GI at low-temperature (-40?), and water permeability and moisture absorption capability of GI at rainfall intensity (24mm/hr, 75mm/hr) are carried out by using this climatic chamber. The performance factors derived from these experiments will be used as quantitative factors for the establishment of GI strategy on targeted evaluation area in the city, and it is expected to be used for the future GI costs and benefits for UHI reduction


Year: 2017

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