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Runoff Analysis Considering the Uncertainty of Rainfall Intensity Based on Stochastic Differential Equation

Author(s): Daiwei Cheng, Tadashi Yamada

Linked Author(s): Daiwei Cheng

Keywords: Stochastic differential equation, rainfall-runoff, The Fokker-Planck equation, uncertainty

Abstract: In 1974, M. Hino had firstly introduced the Kalman filter in forecasting the rainfall-runoff process which considered the uncertainty of the process. Since then a lot of research have been done considering the uncertainty effects in rainfall-runoff process. However, most of research are based on filtering theory and statistical methods which cannot recognize the physical meaning of the uncertainty. On the other hand, recently, K. Yoshimi and T. Yamada (2016) have tried to use the stochastic differential equation to study the uncertainty of runoff rate due to the random fluctuation in rainfall. And this can be used in the prediction of rainfall-runoff process which not only provides a range of prediction interval but also gives a clear physical explanation to the uncertainty of the process. The present study, which is based on K. Yoshimi and T. Yamada (2016) 's work, aims at directly using the theory to practical problems, and discusses how to decide the parameters of the new theory


Year: 2017

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