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Study on Relationship Between Lateral over Flow and Its Location of Lateral Weir in Curved Channel

Author(s): Koji Asai, Nobuyuki Kawamoto, Hajime Shirozu, Tatsuya Shiromizu

Linked Author(s): Koji Asai

Keywords: Lateral over flow; Curved channel; Radius of curvature; Location of lateral weir;

Abstract: The characteristic of the lateral over flow was investigated with the curved channel which has the constant radius of curvature R. The curved channels with R=0.50m and 7.0m were used. The main results obtained from these experiments are as follows; (1) The lateral over flow discharge is proportional to the power of the over flow depth. The power is around 3/2 if the lateral wire is set near the entrance of the curved channel. The value of the power decrease as the location of the lateral wire is installed downward. (2) The ratio of the lateral over flow discharge with the inflow discharge does not well depend on the location of the weir from the entrance to the middle part of the channel. In downstream wise from the middle the ratio decreases. (3) The ratio of R=0.50m is larger than that of R=0.70m. (3) We applied the lateral discharge formulation we proposed in 2017 to the experimental data. It is observed that it has a good accuracy except near the entrance and the exit of the curved channel.


Year: 2019

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