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Analysis and Comparison of the Behavior in Spillways of Exceedances and Stilling Basin of Sabana Yegua Dam Using Numerical Model in Ansys with Physical Model

Author(s): Ka Pin Xie Hualpa, Jorge Reyes Salazar, Jorge Peña Valdivia

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Keywords: Numerical model; Spillway of exceedances; Aerators; Sabana Yegua;

Abstract: The present research analyzes and compares the behavior of the flow in the second spillway of exceedances and stilling basin of the Sabana Yegua’s Dam, using a numerical model developed in ANSYS CFX and its respective physical model. The numerical model in scale 1: 250 consists of four parts: an approach channel, chute with variable slope, stilling basin and an exit channel, the Froude formulas were used for the conversion of scales.
By the action of different flow rates correlation factors are obtained between the numerical and physical model for supercritical flows with Froude greater than 1. In addition, the influence of the aerators on the bottom of the structure and its importance in the hydraulic design is presented.


Year: 2019

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