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Analysis of Existing Stormwater Drainage System for Central Zone of Hyderabad City Using Stormcad

Author(s): AADHI NARESH, M. Gopal Naik, Gandla Nagalaxmi

Linked Author(s): AADHI NARESH

Keywords: Intensity Duration Frequency Curve; StormCAD; Urban Storm Water; Climate Change;

Abstract: Over the last few decades, India has witnessed rapid urbanization. One of the many complex problems resulting from increased urbanization is related to the management of stormwater from developed areas. If stormwater is not managed properly, it may lead to flooding of urban areas and deterioration of water quality in rivers and receiving waters. Urban drainage systems are used to manage urban stormwater. Hyderabad, like many cities in India, has serious floods during monsoons, despite being a water-starved city. There are various reasons for the flooding of this city, including lack of infrastructure specifically for stormwater discharge, clogging of constructed drains and natural drains from improper waste management, lack of systems to recharge groundwater with runoff or to harvest rainwater, and unplanned urban development with relation to the drainage patterns. Stormwater drainage problem is one of the major challenges facing many parts of Hyderabad city and its surrounding areas. Based on primary and secondary data observed, the problems in the areas are categorized as construction, management, and design problem. The method used to investigate management problem is direct field data collection. Based on these criteria a storm water drainage system model is developed using StormCAD in the central zone of Hyderabad city and also Intensity Duration Frequency Curves (IDF) also prepared for the 20 years. Considering the present situations the selected area has majorly covered with the concrete surface, therefore the runoff coefficient of 0.8-0.95 is considered in the model. The results from the StormCAD are validated with the design results. Appropriate mitigation measures are also proposed for this zone for the development of a sustainable drainage system in order to serve the area from the impact of climate change and extreme rainfall. Additionally, managing and improper construction alignment problem for the existing system are investigated and recommended for periodic cleaning and modification of slope.


Year: 2019

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