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Stochastic Sediment Transport in Time Persistent Flow Events

Author(s): Serena Y. Hung, Christina W. Tsai

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Keywords: Fractional Brownian motion; Stochastic diffusion particle tracking model; Stochastic sediment transport;

Abstract: This study is embryonic research attempting to apply the stochastic diffusion particle tracking model (SD-PTM) with fractional Brownian motion (fBm) to sediment transport in open channel flows. The mathematical property of correlated increments in fBm makes it a potential method to model random particle trajectories under the impact of the long-time persistence events such as the more significant flow events. Particles during such flow events have an increasing/decreasing statistical dependency on flow and can thus be modeled by SD-PTM with fBm. In the study, one-dimensional simulation is presented based on 10,000 random particle trajectories.


Year: 2019

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