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Flow-3D Modelling of the Debris Effect on Maximum Scour Hole Depth at Bridge Piers

Author(s): Inês Sofia Pereira Mendonça, Hugo Daniel Leitão Canilho, Cristina Fael

Linked Author(s): Cristina Fael

Keywords: Debris; Cylindrical pier; Local scour; RANS; Numerical modelling;

Abstract: Bridge foundations are frequently inserted in riverbeds constituted by alluvial material, being, therefore, subjected to scouring processes. Such phenomenon is aggravated during flood events due to the increase of water flow or due to the increase of the debris carried by the flow that can pile up along the bridge structural elements. The debris can partially obstruct bridge spans and accumulate near bridge piers and abutments, which will have consequences in terms of reduction of flow capacity and an increment of the maximum scour depth. The dimensions, shape and its location are characteristics that must be considered when predicting the scour depth. The present study aims at analyzing the effect of the debris on the maximum clear-water scour depth at cylindrical piers inserted in uniform sand, non-ripple forming sand, fully-developed turbulent flows in wide rectangular channel, using computational fluid dynamics software, Flow-3D. For this purpose, debris with a triangular and rectangular shape, floating and on the sand bed, were tested, using the k-ε RNG turbulence model and the numerical results were compared with those obtained experimentally. It was possible to verify that the floating debris gives greater scour hole depth and the debris on sand bed behave as scour countermeasure reducing the scour hole depth. Also, rectangular shaped debris seems to cause more scour near the structures than the triangular shaped ones, which also seemed beneficial to the scour hole, by reducing it. However, the results obtained computationally are significantly lower than those obtained experimentally.


Year: 2019

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