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Reassessing Romanian Dam Safety Policies Within Predicted Climate Changed Conditions

Author(s): Ovidiu Ianculescu, Ioana Popescu

Linked Author(s): Ioana Popescu

Keywords: Flood risk; Flood management strategies; Dam safety; Floodmodelling; Mures river;

Abstract: Flood risk exist when assets are vulnerable and exposed to a potential harm, losses or damage from a likely flood event. Apart from being the most frequent natural disaster worldwide, flood hazard has been reported to account for about one third of all natural disasters. There is an expected rise in future flood events due to climate change, urbanization and rapid population growth, according to the 2013 IPCC report. Climate change brings more flood risk due to increase frequency of heavy rainfall, increased soil saturation leading to higher runoff and sea level rise. Romania is one of the countries committed to fight climate change, by aligning to the “Europe 2020 Strategy” objective, which is an EU framework for moving towards a greener, low carbon and climate risk resilient economy for its member states. Integration of mitigation and adaptation actions into Romania’s national strategies, policies, and programs are important steps to achieve the stated goals.
Dams are one of the important country’s infrastructure which are also used for flood risk management. Due to their importance they are checked for safety regularly. However in the context of climate change and new sustainable flood risk management strategies, policies defining key performance indicators for dam safety evaluations needs to be reevaluated. Present paper presents an evaluation of the dam safety strategies for three different types of dams in the Mures basin in Romania. Mures river is the 3rd longest river in Romania draining a basin area of 27890 km2. Three different dams will be evaluated against key performance indicators in actual conditions and in conditions of high flood risk. Evaluation of the validity of the indicators will be assessed. The three dams are: Zetea, which is a permanent storage; Vanatori, which has a temporarily storage ; and a barrage dam and water intake, Copsa Mica.


Year: 2019

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