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Leak Localization Using Time Reversal Technique

Author(s): Muhammad Waqar, Moez LOUATI, Mohamed S. Ghidaoui

Linked Author(s): Muhammad Waqar, Mohamed S. Ghidaoui

Keywords: Pipeline defects; Leak detection; Time-reversal; Hydraulic transients; Water distribution systems;

Abstract: Time-reversal technique together with the analytical solution for the 1D wave equation is proposed for pipeline leak localization. The analytical solution is derived for an unbounded pipe system wherein the dynamic response of the boundaries is not incorporated. The basic principle of the technique is to reverse the measured impulse response function (IRF) in time and convolve with the analytical IRF. The output signal of this convolution will only be maximum when the two response functions contain the same information of the leak location. In the frequency domain, this convolution integral becomes the complex conjugate of the measured IRF multiplied with the analytical IRF. This product will also attain its maximum when the frequency content in both signals are in phase. Both kinds of information are utilized to localize the leaks in time and frequency domain. The purposed method is tested numerically for one leak case in the presence of measurement noise. The leak is successfully localized.


Year: 2019

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