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Revisiting Transient Optimization of Water Supply Systems

Author(s): Bong Seog Jung, Bryan Karney

Linked Author(s): Bryan W. Karney

Keywords: Pipeline system; Transient; Optimization; Worst case scenario;

Abstract: The optimal design of a water distribution system under worst-case transient loadings is formulated as a two-step optimization problem. The first step is identify the set of critical nodes that will result in the worst case transient loading condition. The second step is determine the optimal pipe sizes that simultaneously minimize cost and the likelihood of damaging transient events, measured by a parameter called the surge damage potential factor. Non-dominated sorting genetic algorithms are combined with transient analysis to produce a set of Pareto-optimal solutions in the search space of pipe cost and surge damage potential factor. The case study tested on the New York tunnel system confirmed that pipe size is a significant factor in controlling transient response. It is found that transient consideration in the design phase, in conjunction with conventional least-cost pipe size optimization, may help water utilities achieve a high degree of hydraulic integrity and reliability and extend the life of their distribution systems. This paper also asks the harder question of the difficulty and limitations of water supply system optimization, discussing the risks and dangers of naive approaches of transient optimization.


Year: 2019

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