Author(s): Olivier Machiels; Michel Pirotton; Archambeau Pierre; Benjamin Dewals; Sébastien Erpicum
Linked Author(s): Olivier Machiels, Michel Pirotton, Pierre Archambeau, Benjamin J. Dewals
Keywords: Control structure; discharge capacity; hydraulic models; hydraulic structure; spillway
Abstract: Piano Key Weirs are an effective solution for dam rehabilitation as well as new dam projects with a high level of hydraulic constraints. In order to improve the efficiency of their design, an experimental study of the influence of the main geometric parameters has been performed. Thirty one configurations were tested for a wide range of discharges. The results of the study show the influence of the weir height, the keys widths and the overhangs lengths on the discharge capacity and flow characteristics. Based on hydraulic considerations, optimum values of the main geometric ratios are provided. An analytical formulation is developed to predict the discharge capacity of the weir as a function of its geometry. It shows an accuracy of 10% compared to the experimental results of this study and from other sources.
Year: 2014