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Flow over sills by the MPS mesh-free particle method

Author(s): Aidin Jabbari Sahebari; Yee-Chung Jin; Ahmad Shakibaeinia

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Keywords: Free surface; interface; MPS; numerical model; particle method; sill; velocity profile

Abstract: A particular flow structure and the behaviour of free surface complicate flow modelling over sills, especially if the free surface is highly deformed and made up of spray. Mesh-free particle methods have recently been developed to increase the flexibility and accuracy of numerical methods to deal with these boundaries and interfaces. This research aims to develop, apply, and evaluate the capabilities of one of the particle methods, the moving particle semi-implicit method, for modelling flow over sills under various flow regimes. The model developed, along with modifications in its pressure calculation and boundary definition techniques, is applied to predict the free surface and the velocity profiles of sill flow. These results are compared with experimental measurements and results from other numerical techniques. They are demonstrated to agree well with the experiments, indicating that the model simulates velocity profiles and free surface fluctuations reasonably.


Year: 2011

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