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An experimental study of sand deposition from sediment laden water jets

Author(s): N. Rajaratnam; K.A. Mazurek

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Keywords: Hydraulic deposition; cohesionless sand; sediment deposits; turbulent jets; slurry jets; artificial islands

Abstract: This paper presents the results of a laboratory investigation on the formation of sand mounds under circular sediment laden submerged turbulent water jets impinging on a horizontal bed, with the sand volume concentrations in the approximate range of 0.36–1.7%. After a small initial period, an axisymmetric mound was formed centrally under the jet. The profiles of the mounds were found to be approximately similar when plotted in a dimensionless form with the central height of the mound, ∣Δm and the radial distance, b where the height of the mound was equal to one half the central height, as scales. The normalized profile was described well by the cosine function. The length scale b in terms of a general scale L grew with the normalized time, to a power of 0.254. Using this relation and the volume of the sand discharged, a general equation was developed to predict the growth of Δm with time. The critical value of the parameter developed earlier for erosion by impinging clear water jets does not appear to apply to impinging jets carrying sediment.


Year: 2006

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