Author(s): Ricardo A. Prado; Axel E. Larreteguy
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Abstract: A transient shear stress model for the solution of water-hammer problems for laminar flow in pipes is presented. The model is based on the polynomial expansion of the radial profiles of axial velocities, and the solution of the resulting set of equations by the method of characteristics. This approach, as compared to the usual quasi-steady model (which can be regarded as a particular case of the new method), allows for a better representation of the shear stress at the wall during the pressure transients. The present model can be included with only minor modifications into any existing code for solving water-hammer problemirthat uses the characteristics method and the quasi-steady model. The test of the new model against experimental results of Holmboe and Rouleau, given in [8], and mathematical models and numerical simulations of other authors |5](8| show that it is less cpu and memory demanding, and is able of obtaining comparable results.
Year: 2002