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Free jumps, submerged jumps and wall jets

Author(s): S. Wu; N. Rajaratnam

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Abstract: This paper presents a critical study of hydraulic jumps, submerged jumps and plane turbulent wall jets as a class of similar flows. Using the experimental results available in the literature as well as some new results, the hydraulic jump and the wall jet are shown to be the end states with the submerged jumps forming the transition state in between. The three properties considered are the similarity of the velocity distribution, decay of the velocity scale and the growth of the length scale. The velocity distribution is approximately the same for all the flows. Using a longer length scale L, the decay of the velocity scales for the end states has been redefined and for submerged jumps, the decay has been found to be either free-jump-like (FJL) or wall-jet-like (WJL). The variation of the length scale L was found to have distinctive variations for the different flows. Some new results are also presented for the reverse flow field of submerged jumps.


Year: 1995

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