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Behaviour of flow in a channel bend with a side overflow (flood relief) channel

Author(s): Y. R. Fares; J. G. Herbertson

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Abstract: A report is given of the results obtained from an experimental investigation into the effects of introducing a side overflow channel on the outer side of a channel bend. Entry to the overflow channel was controlled by a broad crested side weir. Comparisons are made of water surface profiles, depth-averaged velocities and deviation angles of the horizontal resultant velocities between bend only and bend with active overflow conditions. It was found that under conditions of low overflow rates, i.e. medium to high weir crest levels, the flow characteristics were virtually the same as for the bend only situation. However with low to medium weir crest levels, significant changes occurred upstream of, along and downstream of the weir section. In particular, a separation zone formed at the upstream end of the weir and a stagnation zone on the inner side of the channel bend.


Year: 1993

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