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Experimental results of two-dimensional dam-break flows

Author(s): Stoner W. Bell; Robert C. Elliot; M. Hanif Chaudhry

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Abstract: Experimental data obtained on a laboratory test facility for unsteady flows in straight and curved channels and on the transient reservoir depths following a simulated dam failure are presented. The water level variation was recorded at five stations in the downstream channel and at six locations in the reservoir. In addition, plan views of the wave fronts were recorded at three stations in the downstream channel. Capacitance probes were used to measure water levels in the reservoir and a procedure using video cameras was developed to record water levels in the channel. Using this procedure, the flow was not disturbed. Video images of the waves were electronically converted into digital information based on their shading density. Tests were conducted for a wide range of initial conditions by varying the upstream reservoir depth, the channel depth, and the channel roughness. Complete test data for two tests are presented.


Year: 1992

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