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A mathematical simulation of energy conversions in a fully developed channel flow

Author(s): Urban Svensson; Patrik Andreasson

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Abstract: A detailed analysis of energy conversions in a fully developed channel flow on a sloping plane is provided. It is the lowering of the centre of mass that releases potential energy which, of course, ultimately will leave the domain as a boundary heat flux. A mathematical model, based on the conservation laws for heat and momentum and a one-equation turbulence model, is used for the purpose. As the calculations include the viscous region, the turbulence model is extended to include low-Reynolds number effects. Verification studies are carried out by comparing predictions with data from laboratory experiments. The model is thereafter used to analyse the conversions of energy from its first appearance as a source term in the mean kinetic energy equation till it finally leaves as a boundary heat flux. The model provides a clear and consistent picture of all the details in the budgets and fluxes involved.


Year: 1989

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