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Author(s): M. B. Abbott

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Abstract: Several members of the IAHR section on the use of computers in hydraulics and water resources have expressed concern at the quality of many of the computational models currently used in hydraulic research and hydraulic and coastal engineering practice. The purpose of this article is to explain some of the grounds for their concern by illustrating some of the errors that commonly occur in this type of work. Since the article is intended only as a popular review, no attempt is made to provide a detailed treatment of problems, (which, indeed, already provides material enough for several extensive treatises, such as those of RoACHE, 1972, and MAKCHUK, 1974). The simulation of transport and dispersion tising difference schemes is shown to give rise to problems of pseudo-dispersion and pseudo-radiation, mass falsification and other violations of physical laws. Several of these problems carry over to nearly-horizontal flow simulations, and these too are illustrated. Corresponding problems in related fields are then introduced. Difficulties and errors arise not only in the models themselves but also in their applications. Unless the entire investigation operation functions correctly, the consequences of these errors can be very serious in engineering practice. Finally the need for more education in this area is emphasized.


Year: 1976

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